5 Vertical Values
At Northside, We believe that the biblical purpose for church is for God’s people to experience and express the glory of God. To get Vertical – it is a distinctive that matters and it matters a lot. In many churches around the world people have hijacked the mission of the church and redefined it as merely an evangelistic and/or a social enterprise. That’s simply not enough. But when a church truly embraces and pursues God’s glory as the central passion everything else falls into place. God comes down! Evangelism and meeting the needs of society become a natural byproduct. Vertical Church is for people who want to give themselves in pursuit of God’s manifest presence. It is what we love to call–window rattling, earth-shattering, life-altering church! We believe God will accomplish this in our church through 5 Vertical Values.
Proclaiming the authority of God’s Word
without apology (2 Timothy 4:2).
We mean expositional and applicational preaching.
The message of the sermon should be found
in the biblical text and should challenge people specifically.
Lifting high the name of Jesus in worship (John 4:24).
We mean vertical worship. Every facet of the worship service lifts
high the the glory and majesty of Jesus Christ.
Believing firmly in the power of prayer (Ephesians 6:18).
We mean a culture of dependence on God.
We believe that fervent, faith-filled, persistent prayer
is to be prioritized in every ministry environment of our churches.
Sharing the good news of Jesus with boldness. (Ephesians 6:19-20).
We mean both corporately and personally, we want to take risks
to fulfill the Great Commission.This happens through personal sharing
of faith and also by planting church-planting churches.
Enduring in love as the foundation of all relationships.
“By this all people will know that you are my disciples
if you have love for one another.” John 13:35