steveSteve Prestridge

How I Came Into Relationship With Jesus Christ:

I was born in church (not literally), but my parents were both believers and took me to church since I was born. It was on a Tuesday night at an old East Texas revival that I knew God was drawing me to salvation and I gave my life to Jesus at the age of seven. I later answered God's call on my life to ministry at Piney Woods summer camp following my senior year of high school.

How I Came to Northside:

I came to Northside in September of 2012 to serve as Student Pastor and Worship Pastor. After a few years I also served as Associate Pastor and Pastor to our College and Career Ministry. Later, Northside asked me to serve as Interim Pastor before becoming Senior Pastor in late December of 2017.

What I Do at Northside:

I serve as Senior Pastor, Elder, and as Director of Church Ministry Staff.

Why I Do What I Do:

Because of the calling on my life, this is a must for me. Not an "I Can" or "I will"; "I must" serve Christ
in this way.

At Northside Church Since​: 2012
On Staff Since: ​September: 2012
Married to: Jessie, 1999
Children: ​Abbie and Cole

James DeelJames Edwin Deel Jr.
Elder/ Trustee / Men's Ministry Leader

How I Came Into a Relationship with Jesus:

As a child, one Sunday after church, I walked into the house and suddenly was overwhelmed with the realization that I am a sinner and Jesus is the answer. At that moment I fell to my knees and stood up feeling relief. From that moment my life's journey has been an interesting adventure.

How I Came to Northside:

When I came to Mineola my mother and I we're driving around every Sunday trying different churches. After visiting Northside it was very hard to go anywhere else; God kept pulling me back here.

What I Do at Northside:

I do whatever I'm asked. I serve as a Elder and a trustee.

Why I do What I Do:

I've been given a gift that I could never deserve...To gratefully serve is the absolute least I can do.

At Northside Church Since: 2018

Married to: Darlene, 1986

Children: Robert, Jennifer, & Tyler

Elder KevinKevin Matthews

How I came into relationship with Jesus?
When i was 18 God used the music of a Christian artist to open my eyes, and so i asked a neighbor in my dorm for why he was a Christian. He helped me see that without Jesus we're not fit for heaven. Soon after i decided to follow Jesus.

How I came to Northside?
My wife and i moved here in 2022 and after an internet search and checking doctrine online, northside was the second church we decided to check out. Pastor Steve's preaching for me was a big reason northside was a fit for us.

What I do at Northside?
I am an elder, teach adult Sunday school, and play the drums in worship also.

Why I do what I do?
Because it's important to use our gifts to serve Jesus.

At Northside Church Since?
May or so of 2022

On Staff Since?

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Juvenico & Irma GasparJuvenico & Irma Gaspar

Spanish Ministry Pastor

Jessie PrestridgeJessie Prestridge
Women’s Ministry Leader / Prayer Team Leader

How I Came Into a Relationship with Jesus:

I gave my life to Jesus when I was 9 years old. After losing an infant brother to severe birth defects, my heart and mind began to question death and eternity. Coming home from church one Sunday, I knew I needed and wanted Jesus. Kneeling beside my bed, my dad shared The Gospel with me and I was born again! God changed my heart that day and I’ve never been the same.

How I Came to Northside:

I came to Northside with my husband, Steve, and our two kiddos in September 2012 when he answered the call to serve as Student and Worship Pastor. I worked alongside him in both ministries until December 2017 when he became the Senior Pastor.

What I Do at Northside:

I currently serve as the Women’s Ministry Leader and Prayer Team Leader. I teach a Women’s Sunday School Class and facilitate weekly Bible Study, as well as other women’s events. I also lead our Prayer Team and coordinate organized prayer events.

Why I do What I Do:

I absolutely LOVE Jesus and God’s Word! I love being with my church family, and I especially love being with God’s girls. God has clearly called me to serve The Church, but He has also given me a sincere love for ALL people. He is so wonderful and has done so many amazing things for me, I cannot help but tell of His goodness. I long to share His amazing love and the hope of The Gospel with everyone He brings into my life!

At Northside Church Since: 2012
On Staff Since: 2012
Married to:​ Steve, 1999
Children:​ Abbie and Cole

brittanyBrittany Ortiz
Kids Ministry Director

How I came into a relationship with Jesus Christ:

I grew up in church, like most people here in East Texas. My parents, grandparents, and even great grandparents talked about God often and it was never a question if we were going to church on Sundays when I was little. I remember when I was 7 or 8 years old, I was in the car with my mom and I had this overwhelming feeling that I needed to ask God into my heart. My mom pulled over on the side of the road and led me into asking God into my heart. As I became a teenager I wasn’t living my life for Christ and really just turned my back on Him. Thankfully, God didn’t leave me or turn His back on me. After getting married and having our first child, I knew that we needed to raise our child in church. So we started going to church and I began to have a relationship with Christ. In 2014, our son was born 3 months early and at that point I truly had to lay it all down at Christ’s feet and know that I couldn’t do anything on my own.

How I came to Northside Church:

My husband and I had been friends with a few couples that were attending Northside Church and my husband wanted to visit. We were attending church somewhere else and I really liked it, so I was ok with visiting but was not ok with attending Northside full time. We visited Northside Church and my husband really wanted to start attending there and I just kept resisting. I knew that I needed to follow my husband’s lead so we began attending Northside Church in 2013. I am so thankful God placed that nudge on my husband's heart that we needed to be at Northside Church.

What I do at Northside Church:

I serve as the Kids Ministry Director and Awana Director.

Why I do what I do:

I began volunteering in our Kids Ministry and loved it. It is so awesome to watch the excitement in the kids eyes when they are learning more about God and His word.
"Train up a child in the way he/she should go; even when he/she is old he/she will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

At Northside Church Since: 2013
On Staff Since:​ 2018
Married to: Phillip
Children:​ Khloe and Jude

chelseaChelsea Brown
Assistant Director, Kids Ministry 

How I came into relationship with Jesus Christ:

I wasn’t raised in church until I started attending Northside as an 11 year old. Not long after, I fell deeply in love with my church. I felt called to serve in any way I possibly could. I knew this was something I was supposed to do. By the time I was 15, I was going through the motions. I was in a place of serving because it
was what was expected of me. My focus was horizontal, not vertical. I got a wake up call the day before I turned 16. I was at camp, crying as God rocked my world and revealed to me that my motivations were out of line with His plan for me. That’s when it became real for me. In this intense encounter with my Creator, I felt the importance of doing everything I do for His increase, not mine. I knew that my purpose was to reveal His glory, not to be the best servant, or for any other reason. I must decrease. It isn’t about me; it’s about King Jesus. From that point forward, my serving has had purpose. And serving here at Northside has filled my heart with so much joy. I love my church.

How I came to Northside:
I came to Northside with my family in 2008 as a young 11 year old after my family was invited by a friend. We were instantly in love with this sweet place. I know this is where God wants me to be.

What I do at Northside:
I have had the chance to carry out many responsibilities here at Northside! I currently serve as the Assistant Kids Ministry Leader. I love that I get to work alongside our Kids Ministry Director and serve in our Kids Ministry area.

Why I do what I do:
I know that God has called me to serve at Northside. With all of the duties I get to do, it allows me to put my talents and passions to use for the glory of God. My mission is to increase His Kingdom!

At Northside Church Since: ​2008
On Staff Since:​ 2016

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Jason and Tammy Smith
Student Ministry Leaders

Tammy and Jason

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Josiah and JordonJosiah and Jordon Cunningham
Student Ministry Assisant Leaders

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Jennifer Little
Office Administrator
Worship Coordinator

Jennifer Little Picture

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Cathy Guth
Worship Coordinator
Website Coordinator

 How I came into relationship with Jesus?

I was taught as a child into adulthood that we are saved by keeping the laws and regulations of the old testament.  The God I knew as a child was a mean and unloving God. In 1995 I was married with 2 children when God revealed to me that He was a loving God, and that we are to have a relationship with Him, not religion like I was taught. That we were saved by grace and not by works.  It wasn’t hard to grasp that concept.   I realized that I wasn’t ever going to be perfect, but to strive for perfection through loving and serving my Creator.  I love to show others what Jesus has done for me by serving my brothers and sisters.  And to share with everyone my testimony of forgiveness and grace.   I love to use my gifts of music and to bless others with my talents that were gracefully given to me.

How I came to Northside?
My husband and I moved to Texas for retirement.    We were looking for a church home.  When my aunt told me about a beautiful women of God.  She was attending and invited us to join her.   We came to Northside and immediately  fell in love with my church family.   

What I do at Northside?
I share my love of for Jesus through playing my keyboard and singing praises to Him.  I also work on the church website.   I just fill in when and where needed.  

Why I do what I do?
I love serving the church body.  I love using the gifts that Jesus gave me to help and encourage others to use theirs as well.

At Northside Church Since? 2022
On Staff Since? 2024
Married: James 1988